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abstractAccessBorderRouterService - Variable in class com.twl.xg.test.service.TestMockAbstractAccessBorderRouterService
AbstractAccessBorderRouterService - Class in com.twl.xg.service
This abstract class defines the basic operations to communicate with border routers.
AbstractAccessBorderRouterService() - Constructor for class com.twl.xg.service.AbstractAccessBorderRouterService
abstractAccessSensorService - Variable in class com.twl.xg.test.service.TestMockAccessSensorService
AbstractAccessSensorService - Class in com.twl.xg.service
This abstract class defines the basic operations to communicate with sensors.
AbstractAccessSensorService() - Constructor for class com.twl.xg.service.AbstractAccessSensorService
accessBorderRouterService - Variable in class com.twl.xg.controller.SettingController
AccessBorderRouterService - Class in com.twl.xg.service.impl
Real implementation of getSensorIpByBorderRouterIp() and existBorderRouter().
AccessBorderRouterService() - Constructor for class com.twl.xg.service.impl.AccessBorderRouterService
accessSensorService - Variable in class com.twl.xg.controller.DataController
accessSensorService - Variable in class com.twl.xg.controller.SettingController
AccessSensorService - Class in com.twl.xg.service.impl
Real implementation of getDataFromSensor.
AccessSensorService() - Constructor for class com.twl.xg.service.impl.AccessSensorService
addBeanDataTypeList() - Method in class com.twl.xg.config.AppConfig
Register spring bean of dataTypeList, this is the data types that we need to fetch from each sensor.
addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry) - Method in class com.twl.xg.config.AppConfig
Configure the ResourceHandler, enable access to static html, js, css.etc files in /resources/ folder.
addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry) - Method in class com.twl.xg.config.AppConfig
Configure simple automated controllers pre-configured with the response status code and/or a view to render the response body.
allSameElements(List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class com.twl.xg.service.DataFetchingAndMappingService
Check if the input string lists' elements are the same to each other without considering the order.
AppConfig - Class in com.twl.xg.config
Using this class to customize Spring MVC configuration.
AppConfig() - Constructor for class com.twl.xg.config.AppConfig
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