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get(String) - Method in class com.twl.xg.dao.BorderRouterRepository
Get a BorderRouterEntity instance for the input border router IP.
get(String) - Method in class com.twl.xg.dao.PropertyRepository
Get the property entity for the input property name.
get(String) - Method in class com.twl.xg.dao.SensorRepository
Get a SensorEntity instance for the input sensor IP.
getAll() - Method in class com.twl.xg.dao.BorderRouterRepository
Fetch all border router from database, ordered by border router name.
getAll() - Method in class com.twl.xg.dao.PropertyRepository
Get all properties in database.
getAll() - Method in class com.twl.xg.dao.SensorDataRepository
Fetch all entries in sensorData table.
getAll() - Method in class com.twl.xg.dao.SensorRepository
Fetch all entries in sensor table, ordered by sensor name.
getAll(String) - Method in class com.twl.xg.dao.SensorDataRepository
Fetch all entries of sensor data for the input sensor IP.
getAll(String) - Method in class com.twl.xg.dao.SensorRepository
Fetch all entries of sensors that connected to the input border router.
getAllBorderRouterIpAndName() - Method in class com.twl.xg.controller.DataController
get a list of "borderRouterIP, borderRouterName" pair for all border router in database.
getAllBorderRouterIpAndName() - Method in class com.twl.xg.service.DataFetchingAndMappingService
Get IP and name of all border router, if there is no border router in database, return an empty list.
getAllCurrentData() - Method in class com.twl.xg.controller.DataController
Gets all current data from each sensor, not from database.
getAllCurrentSensorData() - Method in class com.twl.xg.service.AbstractAccessSensorService
Fetch data from each sensor, map the data to well formatted Java Object.
getAllDataFromDatabase() - Method in class com.twl.xg.controller.DataController
Gets all data from database, map to a DataPackage object.
getAllDataFromDB(Date) - Method in class com.twl.xg.service.DataFetchingAndMappingService
Fetching all data generated after the given time stamp from database.
getAllLaterThan(String, Date) - Method in class com.twl.xg.dao.SensorDataRepository
Get all entries of sensor data that were created later than the input timeStamp for the input sensor IP.
getAllLaterThan(Date) - Method in class com.twl.xg.dao.SensorDataRepository
Get all entries of sensor data that were created later than the input timeStamp.
getAllSensorIp() - Method in class com.twl.xg.controller.DataController
Gets all sensor ip.
getAllSensorIp() - Method in class com.twl.xg.controller.SettingController
Gets all sensor ip.
getAllSensorIp() - Method in class com.twl.xg.dao.SensorRepository
Get all sensor IP from the database.
getAllSensorIp() - Method in class com.twl.xg.service.DataFetchingAndMappingService
Get all sensor IP in database, if there is no sensor in database, return an empty list.
getBorderRouter() - Method in class com.twl.xg.domain.BorderRouterWrapper
getBorderRouterByBorderRouterIp() - Method in class com.twl.xg.domain.SensorEntity
getBorderRouterEntity(String) - Method in class com.twl.xg.service.DataFetchingAndMappingService
Get border router entity for given border router IP.
getBorderRouterIp() - Method in class com.twl.xg.domain.BorderRouterEntity
getBorderRouterName() - Method in class com.twl.xg.domain.BorderRouterEntity
getBorderRouterNumber() - Method in class com.twl.xg.service.DataFetchingAndMappingService
Get the total number of border router in database.
getBorderRouterWrapperList() - Method in class com.twl.xg.domain.DataPackage
getCurrentDataForBorderRouter(String) - Method in class com.twl.xg.controller.DataController
Fetching data from sensor for given border router.
getDataBySensor(SensorEntity) - Method in class com.twl.xg.test.db.TestHibernate
Get all the data for the input SensorEntity.
getDataForBorderRouterFromDB(String) - Method in class com.twl.xg.controller.DataController
Fetching data from database for given border router.
getDataForBorderRouterFromDB(String, Date) - Method in class com.twl.xg.service.DataFetchingAndMappingService
Fetching data from database for given border router.
getDataForSensorFromDB(String, Date) - Method in class com.twl.xg.service.DataFetchingAndMappingService
Fetching data generated after the given time stamp for the given sensor from database.
getDataFromSensor(String) - Method in class com.twl.xg.service.AbstractAccessSensorService
For the input sensor IP, get current data from the sensor, map the data to a SensorDataEntity object.
getDataFromSensor(String) - Method in class com.twl.xg.service.impl.AccessSensorService
For the input sensorEntity, get current data from the sensor, map the data to a SensorDataEntity object.
getDataFromSensor(String) - Method in class com.twl.xg.service.mock_impl.MockAccessSensorService
For the input sensorEntity, get current data from the sensor, map the data to a SensorDataEntity object.
getDataFromSensorForBorderRouter(BorderRouterEntity) - Method in class com.twl.xg.service.AbstractAccessSensorService
Get current data from sensors connected to the input border router.
getDataJson() - Method in class com.twl.xg.domain.SensorDataEntity
getDataList() - Method in class com.twl.xg.domain.SensorWrapper
getHistoryDataBySensorIp(String) - Method in class com.twl.xg.controller.DataController
Get all history data entries for the input sensor IP.
getId() - Method in class com.twl.xg.domain.SensorDataEntity
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.twl.xg.service.PropertyService
Get property value by the input property name.
getPropertyMap() - Method in class com.twl.xg.service.PropertyService
Get all property from database, return a map view of properties.
getPropertyName() - Method in class com.twl.xg.domain.PropertyEntity
getPropertyValue() - Method in class com.twl.xg.domain.PropertyEntity
getRootConfigClasses() - Method in class com.twl.xg.config.ServletInitializer
Specify @Configuration and/or @Component classes for the root application context.
getSensor() - Method in class com.twl.xg.domain.SensorWrapper
getSensorBySensorIp() - Method in class com.twl.xg.domain.SensorDataEntity
getSensorIp() - Method in class com.twl.xg.domain.SensorDataEntity
getSensorIp() - Method in class com.twl.xg.domain.SensorEntity
getSensorIpByBorderRouterIp(String) - Method in class com.twl.xg.service.AbstractAccessBorderRouterService
Take as input a String of borderRouterIp, return a list of IPv6 address of sensors that are connected to the given border router.
getSensorIpByBorderRouterIp(String) - Method in class com.twl.xg.service.DataFetchingAndMappingService
Get all sensor IP that connected to the given border router IP.
getSensorIpByBorderRouterIp(String) - Method in class com.twl.xg.service.impl.AccessBorderRouterService
Take as input a String of borderRouterIp, return a list of IPv6 address of sensors that are connected to the given border router.
getSensorIpByBorderRouterIp(String) - Method in class com.twl.xg.service.mock_impl.MockAccessBorderRouterService
Take as input a String of borderRouterIp, return a list of IPv6 address of sensors that are connected to the given border router.
getSensorIpListByBorderRouterIp(String) - Method in class com.twl.xg.controller.DataController
Get all sensor IP for the input border router IP.
getSensorName() - Method in class com.twl.xg.domain.SensorEntity
getSensorsByBorderRouter(BorderRouterEntity) - Method in class com.twl.xg.test.db.TestHibernate
Get all the sensors for the input borderRouter
getSensorWrapperList() - Method in class com.twl.xg.domain.BorderRouterWrapper
getServletConfigClasses() - Method in class com.twl.xg.config.ServletInitializer
Specify @Configuration and/or @Component classes for the Servlet application context.
getServletMappings() - Method in class com.twl.xg.config.ServletInitializer
Specify the servlet mapping(s) for the DispatcherServlet — for example "/", "/app", etc.
getSize() - Method in class com.twl.xg.domain.BorderRouterWrapper
getSize() - Method in class com.twl.xg.domain.DataPackage
getTimeStamp() - Method in class com.twl.xg.domain.SensorDataEntity
GlobalControllerExceptionHandler - Class in com.twl.xg.controller
Configure the global default exception handler.
GlobalControllerExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class com.twl.xg.controller.GlobalControllerExceptionHandler
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